Best price guarantee
Tour Operator: Dublin Tour Guide 3 hours Travel method:   Walking Region / Starts from: Dublin

Museums Tour of Dublin

This unique tour uses Ireland’s artistic and literary wealth to explain the historical moments, traditions, wars, movements, and eras that have sculpted Ireland through the centuries.


3 hours


We’ll explore the highlights of the National Gallery, National Library and National Museum, with a break half-way through.

Consider those great cultural and artistic treasures that represent your country’s history. For the USA, it is paintings like ‘Washington Crossing the Delaware’ and ‘American Gothic’ by Grant Wood, original manuscripts of Edgar Allan Poe and Walt Whitman, and objects full of cultural symbolism like The Liberty Bell.

This tour will show you their Irish equivalents:
- Symbolic paintings representing the Norman Conquest of Ireland and the Irish Civil War;
- Insight into the life and works of W.B. Yeats - Ireland’s Greatest Poet;
- The Tara Brooch and the Ardagh Chalice – treasures that epitomise Ireland’s Golden Age (500-800AD).

More info

What's included?
• Private walking tour of 3 cultural institutions
• Professional, Irish tour guide with at least 1 year's experience
• Break for coffee/tea

✔ National Gallery
✔ National Library
✔ National Museum of Archaeology and History
✔ Symbolic paintings representing the Norman
Conquest of Ireland and the Irish Civil War
✔ Insight into the life and works of W.B. Yeats –
Ireland’s Greatest Poet
✔ The Tara Brooch and the Ardagh Chalice –
treasures that epitomise Ireland’s Golden Age

• Refreshments and meals
• Tips/Gratuities

BEST FOR: Those who don’t want to get bored in museums

Best price guarantee
No hidden costs
15+ days before : 80% refund (we retain 20% to cover admin costs)
14-8 days before : 50% refund
7-0 days before : 0% refund
All cancellations must be discussed via email or phone. Booking fees are non-refundable.
Meeting point
Dublin, Dublin
Important information

Please await our manual / email confirmation of the meeting point.

Make sure to bring comfortable walking shoes and a lightweight raincoat.